De beste stad om met pensioen te gaan in elke staat

Kiezen waar u met pensioen gaat, is niet eenvoudig. U moet rekening houden met de grootte van uw nestei, uw favoriete levensstijl, huisvestingskosten, toegang tot voorzieningen - en laten we de staatsbelastingen op het pensioeninkomen niet vergeten.

24/7 Wall Street stel een lijst samen van de beste provincies om met pensioen te gaan in elke Amerikaanse staat, op basis van gezondheidszorg en economische factoren zoals het aantal artsen en tandartsen en de gemiddelde woningwaarde en kosten van levensonderhoud.

Hier zijn enkele van de beste steden om mee te nemen in uw pensioenplanning.

1. Missouri — Jefferson City

eurobanken / Shutterstock

De hoofdstad van Missouri heeft historische charme en een fantastische binnenstad, met oude architectuur en trendy winkels en eetgelegenheden.

Jeff City is ook een behoorlijk fatsoenlijke locatie, zoals husker_die op Reddit schrijft:"Er zijn veel staatsparken in de omgeving:ik rende elk weekend op de Katy Trail, en dan ongeveer twintig minuten naar het noorden is Rock Bridge State Park , die veel mooie paden heeft. Er zijn niet veel culturele evenementen, maar Columbia ligt op slechts een halfuur rijden en er is daar altijd veel te beleven. En het is maar een paar uur rijden van zowel St. Louis als Kansas City.'

Als u een inkomen heeft van minder dan $ 85.000, worden uw socialezekerheidsuitkeringen niet belast in de Show Me State en kunnen er enkele belastingvrijstellingen zijn voor andere vormen van pensioeninkomen.

2. Alabama — Daphne

George Dodd III / Shutterstock

De grootste stad van Baldwin County heeft een warm klimaat en korte, milde winters. Het wordt beschouwd als een van de veiligste steden in Alabama, volgens de National Council for Home Safety and Security.

Daphne heeft ook de bijnaam "The Jubilee City" gekregen vanwege het fenomeen dat bekend staat als een jubileum dat blauwe krabben, garnalen en vissen naar ondiepe kusten duwt in de zomermaanden in Mobile Bay. Mis dit verbluffende evenement niet, of alle verse zeevruchten die je kunt vinden.

Redditor campb029 zegt:"Het is goed, veilig, gezinsvriendelijk wonen en het ligt zeer dicht bij verschillende goede stranden", en vermeldt dat Gulf Shores, Orange Beach en Pensacola Beach binnen een uur rijden liggen, terwijl Florida's Destin en Fort Walton ongeveer een anderhalf uur rijden.

3. Nebraska — Columbus

Kim S / TripAdvisor

De stad Columbus langs de rivier de Loup biedt golfbanen, parken en een gemeenschapsziekenhuis binnen handbereik.

Pawnee Park, of "The Picnic Capital of Nebraska", beslaat bijna 153 hectare en beschikt over een waterpark, voetbal- en baanstadion, discgolf, speeltuinen, vissen, een skatepark, tennis- en volleybalvelden en zelfs schaatsen in de winter.

De waarde van onroerend goed is vrij laag, rond de $ 175.000. En hoewel de staat momenteel niet hoog scoort op het gebied van belastingvriendelijkheid voor gepensioneerden, zal een nieuwe wet die in 2022 van kracht wordt, militaire veteranen vrijstellen van het betalen van belasting over hun pensioeninkomen.

4. Wyoming — Sheridan

Steve Creek / Shutterstock

Forbes ooit Sheridan "de coolste kleine stad van de Cowboy State" genoemd, dankzij de unieke westerse winkels, eetgelegenheden en locatie - iets meer dan een halfuur rijden van Bighorn National Forest.

Er is een ziekenhuis in de stad, dus u hoeft zich geen zorgen te maken dat u ver moet rijden voor gezondheidszorg, en de winkelscene van Sheridan biedt unieke kleine winkels en antiekwinkels, evenals grote nationale retailers.

Houd er rekening mee dat Sheridan aan de prijzige kant is in vergelijking met de rest van de staat, en dat je goedkopere woningen kunt vinden in Riverton.

5. Californië — San Rafael

Diverse fotografie / Shutterstock

Marin County behoort tot de gezondste provincies in Californië, en San Rafael, de provinciehoofdstad, is geen uitzondering. Het medisch centrum Kaiser Permanente biedt meer dan 200 artsen en verpleegkundigen in de eerstelijnszorg, zoals geriatrische geneeskunde, en bedient meer dan 100.000 leden.

Ook buiten zal het je niet ontbreken:de stad ligt aan de Baai van San Francisco, met stranden en parken in de buurt, en de Sunday Marin Farmers Market is een van de grootste in de staat.

Claude Baudoin, inwoner van San Rafael, zegt op Quora:"Je bent slechts 20 minuten verwijderd van de Golden Gate Bridge, een uur van vrijwel elk punt in San Francisco," en "er zijn ook verschillende eetgelegenheden in het centrum van San Rafael zoals in Terra Linda, vooral Italiaanse en Aziatische keukens.”

6. New Jersey — Flemington

Daniel Case / Wikimedia Commons

Even een waarschuwing:deze wijk in Hunterdon County is rook- en tabaksvrij. New Jersey als geheel scoort hoog op het gebied van toegang tot gezondheidszorg, en het Hunterdon Medical Center ligt op slechts vijf minuten rijden.

Bekijk het nabijgelegen miniatuurwonderland Northlandz, met meer dan 100 modeltreinen, en stop bij de Liberty Village Outlet Marketplace voor al uw winkelbehoeften.

Uw sociale zekerheid telt niet mee volgens de wet op de inkomstenbelasting van New Jersey, maar andere pensioeninkomsten worden gedeeltelijk belast. Eigenwoningbezit kan echter behoorlijk duur zijn, dus zorg ervoor dat u [een goede hypotheekrente hebt afgesloten] voordat u zich gaat vestigen.

7. Colorado — Aspen

@michel.porter8 / Twenty20

Dit skioord in de Rockies wordt bezocht door de rijken en welgestelden, maar als je een van de huizen van een miljoen dollar in Aspen kunt betalen, zul je genieten van een prachtig landschap en eersteklas restaurants en boetieks.

“Als je midden in de stad een woonruimte kunt vinden/betalen, is dat het beste scenario, want je kunt zonder auto. Boodschappen, restaurants, het postkantoor en skiën zijn op loopafstand. Het busstation ligt midden in de stad, en je kunt gratis lokale ritjes maken of voor een paar dollar naar beneden gaan", schrijft Caren Goodrich op Quora.

Colorado is ook vrij belastingvriendelijk voor gepensioneerden - u kunt elk jaar tot $ 24.000 aan pensioeninkomen aftrekken van uw belastbaar inkomen.

8. Washington — Vrijdaghaven

David Gaylor / Shutterstock

Je moet een watervliegtuig of veerboot nemen om dit commerciële centrum op de archipel van de San Juan-eilanden te bereiken. Het is bezaaid met kleine winkeltjes, restaurants en pubs en wordt omgeven door prachtige natuurlijke landschappen.

Architecturale samenvatting noemt Friday Harbor de mooiste stad van Washington en het is niet moeilijk te begrijpen waarom. Het wordt gekenmerkt door uitzicht op het water, kleine winkeltjes en restaurants en is gemakkelijk te voet bereikbaar.

Er is geen inkomstenbelasting in Washington, dus socialezekerheidsuitkeringen en pensioeninkomen zijn belastingvrij, maar de waarde van onroerend goed in Friday Harbor is buitengewoon hoog. Je zult goedkopere accommodaties vinden in Wenatchee, hoewel je op locatie moet opofferen.

9. Nevada — Reno

tusharkoley / Shutterstock

Reno zou een verkleinde versie van Las Vegas kunnen worden genoemd met zijn casino's en resorts, maar het is meer dan alleen een gamestad, met een prachtig berglandschap en een uitgestrekte woestijn.

Vaak de bijnaam 'De grootste kleine stad ter wereld', zijn het centrum en de wijk Midtown van Reno perfect voor meer stedelijke uitjes, met tal van winkelmogelijkheden en restaurants en bars. In het regionale park Rancho San Rafael van 580 hectare worden het hele jaar door evenementen georganiseerd, waaronder de Great Reno Balloon Race in september.

“Als je een buitenmens bent, is Reno GEWELDIG. Nauwe toegang tot verschillende skigebieden in de winter; volop wateractiviteiten, mountainbiken en wandelen in de zomer”, schrijft mountainaita op Reddit.

10. Ohio — Brunswick

Mike Kalasnik / Flickr

Brunswick in Medina County wordt beschouwd als een van de veiligste steden in Ohio vanwege de relatief lage misdaadcijfers. Het biedt ook gemakkelijke toegang tot grotere stedelijke steden zoals Cleveland en Akron.

Brunswick biedt groene ruimtes, waaronder het Susan Hambley Nature Center en het beboste North Park, en het Brunswick Medical Center ligt in het hart van de stad.

Ohio stelt de sociale zekerheid vrij van staatsinkomstenbelastingen, en de kosten van levensonderhoud in de staat zijn relatief laag, hoewel huisvesting iets duurder is. Voor goedkopere opties, kijk naar Port Clinton, dat ook dicht bij het water ligt.

11. Virginia — Winchester

Jon Bilous / Shutterstock

Winchester in the Shenandoah Valley is an artistic hub, hosting concerts, festivals and other cultural events throughout the year. It’s also a gateway to natural attractions like the Appalachian Trail.

The city has a medical center, shopping mall and a few parks, such as Jim Barnett Park, which includes a fitness trail, disc golf course, playground and indoor and outdoor pools. And you’ll discover charming shops and restaurants in Old Town Winchester.

Virginia is considered fairly tax-friendly toward retirees. The state doesn’t tax Social Security benefits, but you will be partially taxed on withdrawals from retirement accounts and public and private pensions.

12. New Mexico — Santa Fe

@heatherdeffense / Twenty20

Although New Mexico is considered one of the worst states for retirement, thanks to taxed retirement income, high property crime and poor health care access, the city of Santa Fe has much to recommend it.

Nestled in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, Santa Fe’s stunning adobe architecture, arts and cultural hubs and abundance of recreational opportunities — which include ballooning and parasailing for the more adventurous — hold plenty of allure for retirees.

TheShadyTaco writes on Reddit, “If you are looking for a slower pace, Santa Fe is a good option. Most of the demographic in Santa Fe are older, and there isn't much nightlife, although they do have an incredible amount of bars and craft brews are in no short supply if that's your thing … It's fairly rich in culture and there is usually some sort of event going on no matter the time of year.”

13. Arizona — Tucson

Sean Pavone / Shutterstock

Snowbirds flock to sunny Tucson each year. It’s a rapidly growing metro area with a relatively low cost of living and stunning mountain scenery.

You’ll also find fantastic historical and cultural attractions such as Saguaro National Park, with its desert flora and fauna and ancient petroglyphs. You can also enjoy delicious Mexican cuisine as well. Old Pueblo isn’t without its faults, however — it has one of the worst crime rates in Arizona, according to FBI data.

“The diversity, art, culture and food and drink options are amazing. You can also get into the mountains or trail systems very easily from basically any part of town, which makes Tucson unique because it doesn’t take an hour or longer of driving through town to access trails,” writes BaginaJon on Reddit.

14. New Hampshire — Lebanon

@mallorypearl / Twenty20

This beautiful city is recognized for its high quality of life, tight community and scenic trails and views of Mascoma Lake.

Lebanon is also home to the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center — rated by U.S. News as the best hospital in the state — and the Norris Cotton Cancer Center.

“Great place to live if you like the outdoors. Close to Burlington, Vermont, and Montreal. Activities:mountain stuff, horse riding, hockey. Most rinks have adult skate every day of the week for like $8 (except in summer). A couple hours from Boston and a few hours drive to NYC,” says one Redditor.

15. Georgia — Peachtree City

ANGHI / Shutterstock

This Atlanta suburb made headlines in 2011 for its golf cart craze — almost every family drove these tiny vehicles around the city’s 100-mile network of multi-use paths to get to school, grab groceries and more.

Aside from this quirky trend, the city offers small boutiques, large national chains, more than 100 restaurants and eight hotels. It’s also about a half-hour drive from Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.

Fayette County is also known for its mild climate, low crime rate and fantastic recreation opportunities. And the county’s official site calls Peachtree City “the nation’s most successful planned community.”

16. South Dakota — Pierre

Jacob Boomsma / Shutterstock

South Dakota’s picturesque capital city on the Missouri River is one of the least populated capitals in the U.S. — perfect for a retiree trying to get away from it all — while retaining the essentials, like a Walmart supercenter and medical clinics.

Griffin Park, on the river, offers picnic shelters, a baseball field, beach, pool, skate park and tennis courts.

There’s no state income tax in South Dakota, which means Social Security, pension and other forms of retirement income are all tax-free. Sales taxes are pretty low as well.

17. Indiana — Loogootee

Evan Nichols (Virtual Tours) / Panoramio

The city of Loogootee is situated in Perry Township in scenic Martin County, with its beautiful wooded hills and trails.

The city is a mere five minutes away from the 630-acre West Boggs Park, where you can boat, fish, camp and swim. Loogootee offers restaurants, a city pool and park and the Jack Butcher Arena, which seats more than 4,000 people.

The Hoosier State is fairly affordable for retirees, with its low property taxes and decent cost of living. Income from your pension and retirement savings will be taxed, but your Social Security is exempt.

18. Maryland — Bel Air South

@sawjon / Twenty20

This census-designated place in Hartford County features green, open spaces like Harford Glen Park and the Maryland Golf and Country Club. The University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health center is just a short drive away as well.

“Bel Air has breweries, bars and restaurants. Plenty of shopping. Everything you need is 5 miles away. There are cool walking trails and parks. They have a farmer's market in town and you can buy fresh produce from local farms within a short drive. Crime is low,” says tamescartha on Reddit about the Bel Air area.

Home values can be a bit pricey, however, so for more affordable options, look to Hagerstown, where the median home value is just $174,043.

19. Oregon — Bend

Clifford Wayne Estes / Shutterstock

This small city on the Deschutes River offers skiing adventures in the Cascade Mountains, glorious green spaces such as Drake Park and old volcanic sites and caves.

“It is an outdoor meca. World-class mountain biking, hiking, horse trails, skiing of every kind, Cascade lakes for water sports, whitewater rafting/kayaking, and Mt. Bachelor is one of the largest ski areas in North America with snow that lasts till Memorial Day (or longer),” says Steve Sickler on Quora.

However, home values in Bend are staggeringly high — at around $600,000, according to Zillow — so if you’d like to enjoy Oregon’s natural beauty but in a more affordable location, try La Grande by the Umatilla National Forest.

20. New York — New York City

@JJFarquitectos / Twenty20

Believe it or not, New York City’s fantastic health care system and access to amenities can make it an ideal retirement spot.

“NYC is wonderful for old people. Excellent public transportation, great hospitals, a plethora of doctors and specialists, lots of services that provide nursing care, etc. Also, the walkability, even if you can't walk very far or fast, means you can still get out to socialize, get groceries for a much longer span of time, whereas in the suburbs, having to drive everywhere when your eyesight and instincts are rusty is unsafe and eventually leads to isolation,” says PigeonProwler on Reddit.

That said, the Big Apple is generally considered one of the most expensive cities to live in across the country, so if you’d rather not take a chunk out of your retirement fund to deal with rent or high mortgage payments, consider the small town of Corning instead.

21. Arkansas — Forrest City

Ardelta / Wikimedia Commons

The “Jewel of the Delta” is another secret gem for retirees. The median home value is just $46,947, according to Zillow, and the state won’t tax you on your property or Social Security benefits.

The tiny city nestled about halfway between Little Rock and Memphis offers both delightful recreational activities and lovely historic sites.

It’s also close to Village Creek State Park, which offers almost 7,000 acres of forested hills and boasts 33 miles of trails amid campsites, indoor and outdoor theaters, picnic areas and pavilions.

22. Maine — Portland

@Akmora1 / Twenty20

If you seek the comfort and convenience of a city with accessible amenities such as high-quality hospitals and scenic views, consider relocating to this waterfront city.

“Portland is big enough to find fun things to do:concerts, sports, restaurants, outdoors, ocean activities, White Mountain is 1.5 hours away, shopping, etc. But it's not so big you have to deal with crowds, traffic and the like,” writes Tom Coyne on Quora.

That said, the city is pretty expensive, with typical home values upward of $400,000, so a retiree on a fixed income might be better off settling down in Augusta, the state capital.

23. Hawaii — Kapa‘a

norinori303 / Shutterstock

If you can afford the high cost of living, this beachside community in Kauai County offers wonderful shopping and dining options plus live music and water sports.

Hawaii itself is also recognized nationwide for its excellent health care system, taking the top spot for access and quality, according to US News .

“The BEST part about Kaua‘i … Even when money is tight, we can drive over to the beach about 5 minutes away and enjoy nature. We can swim, hike, sit in the sand, go to the mountains, play in the river and just enjoy a simple life,” writes Kapa‘a resident Regina Floyd on Quora.

24. Idaho — McCall

@justin.lunt / Twenty20

This picturesque resort town by Payette Lake in Valley County has it all for nature lovers. Visitors flock to the upscale Shore Lodge every year for its lovely suites and spa pools and to enjoy McCall’s water sports and skiing adventures.

McCall also offers several annual cultural and artistic attractions such as music festivals, boat shows, carnivals and parades.

“McCall is great. If you like the outdoors, it's the place. Skiing, hiking, boating, chilling. Good food everywhere for (normally) good prices. Plus, mostly nice people. Lots of tourists. Shore Lodge is very nice as well,” says Redditor _retro_future.

25. Pennsylvania — West Chester

LittleKitty / Shutterstock

This borough in the heart of the Brandywine Valley is just a half hour from Wilmington and 45 minutes from Center City Philadelphia and offers excellent shopping and dining options downtown.

Retirees can enjoy golf, gardens, wineries, breweries and outdoor adventures at gorgeous parks such as the 2,606-acre Ridley Creek State Park, which offers guided nature walks, hiking, fishing, biking and horseback riding.

Locals advise avoiding all the college kids — West Chester is home to a public university — but Allottafachina on Reddit says the city’s an “awesome area” and “If you aren't super strapped for cash, check out the restaurants and bars. Great food at some of the older-crowd places. Even if you go about 15 minutes out of town (more so East than West), you're still in a highly populated area, with great food/shops.”

26. Alaska — Haines

@mchar238 / Twenty20

Haines could be a great retiree destination — if you don’t mind the frigid winters and pricey groceries that come hand-in-hand with living in the Frontier State — as it offers plenty of outdoor activities throughout the year and gorgeous scenic views.

Kristine Harder on Quora recommends the fantastic scenery and says “there are fabulous acoustics in the Chilkat Center for the Arts, and the Arts Council is quite active.”

Alaska is also an income tax-free state, which means you won’t owe anything on your Social Security benefits or pension money. There’s just one health care center in Haines, however, so for more amenities and health care access you might be better off settling down in the big city of Anchorage, which is about 756 miles away.

27. Kentucky — Versailles

@ramita / Twenty20

Horse and liquor enthusiasts can head to Versailles in Woodford County, known for its “bourbon, wine and bloodlines.”

Aside from horse farms and bourbon and wine tours, visitors will find shopping and dining options, and the city is less than a half hour’s drive from Lexington. You’ll find cheaper housing and rental options farther south in Danville, the county seat of Boyle County, however.

The state of Kentucky is also tax friendly for retirees. Your Social Security and up to $31,110 in retirement income is exempt from the state income tax.

28. North Dakota — Bismarck

Randall Runtsch / Shutterstock

If you’re willing to battle North Dakota’s brutally cold winters and high housing costs and put up with taxed retirement income, Bismarck’s not a bad place to settle.

The serious crime rate is relatively low and it’s also considered a major center for both retail and health care. Two major medical facilities in the city include CHI St. Alexius Health-Bismarck and Sanford Medical Center Bismarck, which rank highly for adult specialties.

The city of Fargo is a bit more affordable, however, plus it has landed on Forbes’ Best Places to Retire list for 10 years in a row, due to its high number of doctors per capita and good air quality.

29. Rhode Island — Newport

Olga Enger / Shutterstock

Newport on Aquidneck Island, sometimes called the “Sailing Capital of the World,” offers plenty of attractions to lure both mariners and retirees.

Snag fresh seafood at the local eateries and check out the Gilded Age mansions along Bellevue Avenue. Residents also enjoy a fairly moderate climate with highs of 65 and lows of 23 degrees Fahrenheit.

In Rhode Island, you’ll need to contend with high property taxes and an estate tax, however, and Social Security and retirement income gets taxed as well. On top of that, home values are a lot higher in Newport than the rest of the state, so you might be better off settling down in Providence.

30. Illinois — Waterloo

Paul Sableman / Flickr

Monroe’s county seat is a friendly small town just a 20-minute drive away from downtown St. Louis. It offers quiet, historic charm with big-city bustle just in reach.

Compared to the rest of the country, it’s relatively cheap to live in Waterloo. The median home value is $209,058, according to Zillow, and health care is considered affordable as well.

Senior amenities include medical services and assisted living and nursing facilities, and locals enjoy lovely parks, shopping and dining opportunities and community events. There are also museums and golf courses and a weekly farmer’s market.

31. Delaware — Seaford

Ben Felps / Panoramio

The city of Seaford, nestled along the Nanticoke River, calls itself “the Perfect Place to Start,” but it could also be the perfect place for a retiree if you enjoy a slower pace of life.

The city has several parks, an 18-hole public golf course and a sports complex, and you’ll find plenty of dining and shopping options on High Street. Seaford also offers more than 500 retail stores and service-based businesses, a hospital and several support clinics and elderly care.

The Diamond State also doesn’t tax Social Security benefits or levy a sales tax, so it’s quite affordable for someone on a fixed income.

32. Montana — Helena

@eleman11 / Twenty20

This state capital in the Rocky Mountains got its start during a gold rush in 1864 — and while it’s not quite as thrilling in the 21st century, it’s still an ideal location for a retiree.

“The outdoor activities are unlimited, basically. Close to whatever you could possibly imagine. It’s a great town for someone who loves the outdoors and being close to nature. It’s not overly huge either, it’s honestly a perfect size. It’s a perfect place for a true Montana experience,” says justtakemetovegas on Reddit.

Aside from all the natural beauty, take a stroll down the Historic District to admire the preserved architecture, or head downtown for the art galleries, stores, dining and microbreweries.

33. Louisiana — Slidell

@Akmora1 / Twenty20

Surrounded by rivers and bayous and wooded parks, “Camellia City” offers plenty of distractions for a retiree. Seniors also pay reduced utility fees, according to the city website, and Louisiana doesn’t tax Social Security benefits or public pension income.

Slidell is just a few miles from the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain and a short drive from the Big Branch Marsh National Wildlife Refuge and North Shore Beach Park.

Don’t miss out on community events such as the Bayou Jam Concerts and Slidell Movie Nights, tours at the Honey Island Swamp, and the Olde Towne Slidell district, which offers restaurants, shops, galleries and museums.

34. Connecticut — Middletown

Ritu Manoj Jethani / Shutterstock

Once a shipbuilding town, it’s now a largely residential city, and its downtown area teems with college students from the private liberal arts Wesleyan University.

It usually costs more to live by the water, but the median home value in Middletown isn’t high compared to the rest of the state. You won’t lack for green space, either, with two state parks and several golf courses nearby. But if you have your heart set on this city or another to retire in, start your retirement plan now to save and invest toward that goal.

“Middletown is fabulous. It's a diverse, mixed income community with vibrant neighborhoods and a lot of arts and culture. Wesleyan is a gem for its Center for the Arts shows and performances … Restaurants abound on Main Street … People care in this community. It takes some time to uncover the hidden gems, but you'll find them,” writes Catherine S on Quora.

35. Michigan — Petoskey

Kenneth Sponsler / Shutterstock

This coastal resort community lies along the sparkling shores of Little Traverse Bay and boasts lovely Victorian architecture and stunning harbor views.

Michigan doesn’t tax Social Security benefits and also lets you deduct significant amounts from other retirement income. However, you will have to deal with high property taxes, plus the median home value in Petoskey is higher than the rest of the state.

Most Redditors recommend the city for its scenic views — iriebutterfly recommends you “walk around downtown and go into Fustini's Oils and Vinegars for tasting, Reusch Jewelers for dreaming and the marina for lovely views. Second, drive through Harbor Springs up to 119N to the tunnel of trees. Check out Sturgeon's Bay/Lake Michigan for beautiful beach views. End at Leg's Inn for a delicious Polish dinner.”

36. West Virginia — Parsons

Hank Shiffman / Shutterstock

You’ll enjoy both affordable housing and delightful scenery if you choose to make your retirement home in this small mountain town in Tucker County.

Close by lies Blackwater Falls State Park in the Allegheny Mountains, which boasts 20 miles of hiking trails and its dark cascade falls, colored by the tannic acid of fallen hemlock and red spruce needles.

Keep in mind that Parsons is a bit out of the way from the rest of the state, however; the nearest hospital is about a half hour’s drive away. And Social Security and other forms of retirement income get partially taxed in West Virginia.

37. Vermont — Barre

mmlynch3 / Shutterstock

Barre’s more than just a small granite town — the housing options are more affordable compared to the rest of the state, and outdoor recreational opportunities are within reach as well.

The 26,000-acre Groton State Forest is about 20 minutes away. It encompasses seven state parks and more than 17 miles of hiking trails and more than 20 miles of gravel roads and multi-use trails for mountain biking and horseback riding.

“You have quick access to the highway, there are retail centers, there are entertainment centers, there are bars, and loads of places to go hiking around the area. And the Barre City Police Department and Barre Town PD are highly responsive,” writes coffee_stained_note on Reddit.

38. Massachusetts — Vineyard Haven

marthasvineyardimages / Shutterstock

You might recognize this small community for its location on Martha’s Vineyard island — a beachy summer enclave frequented by celebrities and former presidents, such as Reese Witherspoon and Barack Obama.

Check out the historic lighthouses, delightful farms and fresh seafood, all within easy reach.

You could make this charming vacation destination your year-round retirement home if your nest egg is big enough to afford the staggeringly high prices. The median home value on Zillow is just under $1 million.

If not, you’re better off in Worcester, which is still a bit pricey but under Massachusetts’ $500,000 median.

39. Kansas — Paola

Paulmcdonald / Wikimedia Commons

This small town south of Kansas City, Mo., is perfect for a senior seeking a slower pace of life.

Check out the historic gazebo and water fountain in the park square, surrounded by shops and restaurants. And for green spaces, look to all the parks, including the 12,000-acre Hillsdale State Park, which features a small beach and playground area.

Although Paola certainly has its pros, retirees on a fixed income can find more affordable housing in Topeka, where the median home value stands at $138,955.

40. Florida — North Port

Jim Schwabel / Shutterstock

Florida has long been lauded as a retiree haven, thanks to its tax-friendliness, sunny climate and beaches, but it’s not the cheapest state to live in. North Port isn’t so bad, however, with a median home value of $245,415.

North Port features more than 26 parks and open spaces, including the 8,500-acre Myakka State Forest, canoeing and kayaking opportunities on the Myakka River and the city’s freshwater canals and several hiking, mountain biking, horse riding and bird watching trails.

You’ll have to drive about 20 minutes outside the city to reach the nearest hospital, however. North Port includes a children’s hospital and urgent care center within city limits, but for general care look to Port Charlotte and Sarasota.

41. Wisconsin — Mequon

Aaron Volkening / Flickr

You get the best of both worlds in Mequon, a residential suburb that lies alongside Lake Michigan and is just 30 minutes away from the big city of Milwaukee.

You won’t lack for outdoor opportunities. The 438-acre Mequon Nature Preserve has some lovely walking trails amid restored forests, prairies and wetlands, while Virmond Park offers gorgeous bluff views of Lake Michigan.

Homes in Mequon cost more than double the state median, however, so retirees on a fixed income might prefer something in Watertown.

42. Mississippi — Pascagoula

Michael Mosley / Shutterstock

The “Singing River” city along Mississippi Sound is Mississippi’s busiest port and includes a population of about 20,000 residents. While you usually pay more to live by the water, the median home value in Pascagoula is less than $100,000.

Check out Pascagoula Beach Park, which features a playground, picnic pavilions, a seasonal splash pad, fishing pier and trail. Visit the local seafood restaurants for fresh, delicious fish sandwiches and shrimp baskets.

The state of Mississippi exempts all forms of retirement income from taxes, and property taxes are relatively low as well.

43. Tennessee — Chattanooga

Sean Pavone / Shutterstock

Chattanooga, a city in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, is dubbed “The Scenic City” for a reason. Take in the breathtaking views at Rock City Gardens and Ruby Falls and visit historical attractions such as the Tennessee Valley Railroad.

The city claims it has “the most productive affordable housing program in the nation” and has won three national awards for outstanding "livability.” Health facilities close at hand include the high-performing CHI Memorial Hospital.

“Lots of outdoor activities, new niche restaurants popping up, relatively good music scene given the size of the city, relatively close to other cities/destinations for weekend getaways, minor league baseball and soccer teams are pretty popular,” says Timmers86 on Reddit.

44. Oklahoma — Coweta

Caleb Long / Wikimedia Commons

This sleepy Tulsa suburb was an agricultural town until the 1960s, and today residents enjoy relatively low home values with easy access to the big city.

There’s a Walmart superstore here, and you can check out Archery Park and the local sports complex for recreational opportunities. The closest hospitals are about 20 minutes away in Tulsa.

Oklahoma in general is quite affordable for retirees — it offers low property taxes, the state exempts Social Security retirement benefits from taxes, and it offers a $10,000 deduction toward other types of retirement income.

45. North Carolina — Asheville

Margaret.Wiktor / Shutterstock

Asheville, tucked away in western North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mountains, boasts a thriving arts scene that earned it the title “The Paris of the South.” It also has incredible eateries and scenic views.

The temperate climate and fresh mountain air means you’ll also get some relief from the sweltering summers and frigid winters of other states.

“There is a lot of natural beauty and outdoor activities (hiking, biking, paddling, camping) within an hour or two's drive. For the size of the town, there's lots of great food and drink. There's a good spread of old people and young people — both college-aged kids and retired folks. Lots of comfortable, friendly, close-knit neighborhoods,” writes one Redditor.

46. Minnesota — Lake City

@nazrul / Twenty20

Lake City, situated on Lake Pepin, is often called the birthplace of waterskiing — local Ralph Samuelson made history when he first performed it in 1922.

Aside from water sports, residents enjoy restaurants, small town shops and the surrounding bluffs and parks, particularly the 250-acre Hok-Si-La Park, which features walking trails, campgrounds and a beach.

The U.S. travel site Only In Your State ranks the city as a top retirement destination as well for its high population of retirees, low housing costs and crime rate and convenient access to grocery stores, libraries, restaurants and recreational activities.

47. Utah — Moab

Margaret.Wiktor / Shutterstock

Stark red rock formations, arches and mesas lie beyond Moab, a town uniquely positioned between two national parks. However, there’s a lot to love within the city limits as well.

Aside from adventuring around nearby Arches and Canyonlands national parks, which offer hiking, biking, climbing and whitewater rafting, residents have access to some smaller city parks, a hospital, urgent care center and several eateries.

Unfortunately, Utah taxes Social Security benefits and other retirement income, and property values are relatively high — the median home value in Moab is $386,351.

48. South Carolina — Charleston

@speakboston / Twenty20

Retire to this port city with its blend of historic buildings, horse-drawn carriages, boat tours and beaches. Walk along The Battery for delightful seaside views and the 12-acre Waterfront Park with its unique giant pineapple fountain. And check out the top shopping and dining spots in the area.

Among the hospitals in the city are MUSC Health-University Medical Center, nationally ranked and considered high-performing for adult specialties.

However, drawbacks to living in the city include oppressive summer heat and high home values. Retirees on a fixed income may find more affordable options in Columbia.

49. Iowa — Davenport / Shutterstock

Davenport, once dubbed "The Most Livable Small City in America," is actually Iowa’s third largest, and it’s a vibrant, modern community with a bustling downtown.

Housing is pretty cheap, with the median home value at just $147,545, according to Zillow, and Davenport’s Genesis Health System placed second in IBM Watson Health’s 15 top health systems list in 2021.

“What Davenport is, is a diversified small city with a very sound economic base, lots of nice-to-excellent neighborhoods, filled with hard-working and trustworthy and reliable people. Good churches, good schools, good stores, good jobs,” says Kent Aldershof on Quora.

50. Texas — Boerne

LI Cook / Shutterstock

Boerne, a German-founded town named for author and publicist Ludwig Börne, is a hidden gem in Texas Hill Country.

Enjoy the outdoors at Boerne City Lake Park, which includes a fishing pier, boat dock and a butterfly garden, and the wooded Cibolo Nature Center. Take a guided tour of the limestone Cascade Caverns, just 3 miles outside Boerne.

Texas doesn’t have an income tax, so you won’t owe money to the government for your retirement income or Social Security, but property taxes are high, plus Boerne’s median home value is almost double the rest of the state. You might find more modest prices in the College Station area, but you’ll have to deal with lots of college students roaming around as well.

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