Wat $ 2.000 heeft geïnvesteerd in het jaar dat je werd geboren, is vandaag waard

Als een familielid $2.000 had geïnvesteerd toen je werd geboren, hoeveel denk je dat je vandaag zou hebben?

Met de hulp van Tenpao Lee, hoogleraar economie aan de Niagara University, heeft MoneyWise de huidige waarde berekend van hypothetische beleggingen van $ 2.000 in aandelen, goud, obligaties en besparingen die in elk van de afgelopen 50 jaar zijn gemaakt.

Onze resultaten voor aandelen zijn gebaseerd op rendementen voor de S&P 500; het zou vergelijkbaar zijn met beleggen in een van de populaire S&P 500-indexfondsen die worden aanbevolen door de huidige geautomatiseerde beleggingsdiensten, zoals Betterment.

Laat uw geld voor u werken

Beterschap kan u helpen 38% meer geld te verdienen dan een gemiddelde belegger.

Begin nu

Goudresultaten zijn gebaseerd op IBA-eindejaarsprijzen; voor obligaties gebruikten we het gemiddelde jaarrendement voor 10-jaars Treasuries. Spaarresultaten zijn gebaseerd op gemiddelde opbrengsten voor 6-maands-cd's, aangezien historische gegevens over spaarrekeningen niet beschikbaar waren. We hebben niet gecorrigeerd voor inflatie of rekening gehouden met investeringskosten.

Bekijk hoe een relatief bescheiden investering die u in het jaar van uw geboorte hebt gedaan, zou zijn gegroeid en welk type investering het beste rendement zou hebben opgeleverd.


Alex Tihonovs / Shutterstock

$ 2.000 belegd in aandelen zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 52.390 opleveren.

$ 2.000 geïnvesteerd in goud zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 62.560 opleveren.

$ 2.000 belegd in obligaties zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 40.720 opleveren.

$ 2.000 aan besparingen zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 25.310 opleveren.


Steve Mann / Shutterstock

$ 2.000 geïnvesteerd in aandelen zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 61.240 opleveren.

$ 2.000 geïnvesteerd in goud zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 46.200 opleveren.

$ 2.000 belegd in obligaties zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 37.750 opleveren.

$ 2.000 aan besparingen zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 23.200 opleveren.


GiorgioMagini / Shutterstock

$ 2.000 geïnvesteerd in aandelen zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 61.960 opleveren.

$ 2.000 geïnvesteerd in goud zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 70.250 opleveren.

$ 2.000 belegd in obligaties zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 35.450 opleveren.

$ 2.000 aan besparingen zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 21.940 opleveren.


Graeme Dawes / Shutterstock

$ 2.000 geïnvesteerd in aandelen zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 56.260 opleveren.

$ 2.000 geïnvesteerd in goud zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 60.360 opleveren.

$ 2.000 belegd in obligaties zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 33.470 opleveren.

$ 2.000 aan besparingen zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 20.940 opleveren.


Bart Sadowski / Shutterstock

$ 2.000 geïnvesteerd in aandelen zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 47.490 opleveren.

$ 2.000 geïnvesteerd in goud zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 40.580 opleveren.

$ 2.000 belegd in obligaties zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 31.460 opleveren.

$ 2.000 aan besparingen zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 19.800 opleveren.

Begin met sparen

Bereken hoeveel u elke maand moet sparen om uw doel te bereiken.


Everett Historical / Shutterstock

$ 2.000 geïnvesteerd in aandelen zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 58.870 opleveren.

$ 2.000 geïnvesteerd in goud zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 23.390 opleveren.

$ 2.000 belegd in obligaties zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 29.430 opleveren.

$ 2.000 aan besparingen zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 18.260 opleveren.


thebigland / Shutterstock

$ 2.000 geïnvesteerd in aandelen zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 83.190 opleveren.

$ 2.000 geïnvesteerd in goud zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 14.000 opleveren.

$ 2.000 belegd in obligaties zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 27.400 opleveren.

$ 2.000 aan besparingen zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 16.780 opleveren.


Grenar / Shutterstock

$ 2.000 geïnvesteerd in aandelen zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 62.900 opleveren.

$ 2.000 geïnvesteerd in goud zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 18.720 opleveren.

$ 2.000 belegd in obligaties zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 25.430 opleveren.

$ 2.000 aan besparingen zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 15.840 opleveren.


mikeledray / Shutterstock

$ 2.000 geïnvesteerd in aandelen zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 53.290 opleveren.

$ 2.000 geïnvesteerd in goud zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 19.510 opleveren.

$ 2.000 belegd in obligaties zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 23.810 opleveren.

$ 2.000 aan besparingen zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 15.130 opleveren.


Lenscapfotografie / Shutterstock

$ 2.000 geïnvesteerd in aandelen zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 59.470 opleveren.

$ 2.000 geïnvesteerd in goud zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 15.860 opleveren.

$ 2.000 belegd in obligaties zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 22.090 opleveren.

$ 2.000 aan besparingen zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 14.130 opleveren.


Willrow Hood / Shutterstock

$ 2.000 geïnvesteerd in aandelen zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 58.050 opleveren.

$ 2.000 geïnvesteerd in goud zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 11.700 opleveren.

$ 2.000 belegd in obligaties zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 20.240 opleveren.

$ 2.000 aan besparingen zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 12.680 opleveren.


claudio zaccherini / Shutterstock

$ 2.000 geïnvesteerd in aandelen zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 51.760 opleveren.

$ 2.000 geïnvesteerd in goud zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 5.010 opleveren.

$ 2.000 belegd in obligaties zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 18.340 opleveren.

$ 2.000 aan besparingen zou u vandaag ongeveer $ 11.190 opleveren.


Angelo D'Amico / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $41,800 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $4,450 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $16,310 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $9,670 today.


ValeStock / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $45,070 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,560 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $14,310 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $8,520 today.


Joseph Sohm / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $40,030 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $5,860 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $12,970 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $7,840 today.


mark reinstein / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $33,940 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,880 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $11,600 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $7,150 today.


TierneyMJ / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $33,920 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $8,500 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $10,400 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $6,580 today.


Giuseppe Cammino / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $26,920 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $8,030 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $9,540 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $6,110 today.


nehophoto / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $22,440 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,720 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $8,900 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $5,760 today.


Thawornnurak / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $23,150 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $5,400 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $8,170 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $5,390 today.


Alones / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $20,180 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,400 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $7,490 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $4,920 today.


mark reinstein / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $16,006 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,550 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $6,940 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $4,550 today.


Joshua Rainey Photography / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $16,970 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,720 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $6,420 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $4,240 today.

Start Saving

Calculate how much you need to save each month to reach your goal.


Carlos andre Santos / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $14,360 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $7,430 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $6,020 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $4,070 today.


Anastasiya Aleksandrenko / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $12,810 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $7,890 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $5,640 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $3,930 today.


mark reinstein / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $11,980 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,720 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $5,330 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $3,800 today.


Fabio Diena / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $12,260 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,860 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $4,940 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $3,560 today.


Joseph Sohm / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $9,090 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,790 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $4,680 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $3,380 today.


CBS / TV Land

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $7,510 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $7,110 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $4,400 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $3,200 today.


netopaek / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $5,800 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $9,080 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $4,160 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $3,030 today.


PureRadiancePhoto / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $4,690 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $9,130 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $3,970 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,890 today.


Linda Bestwick / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $3,910 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $9,030 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $3,730 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,720 today.


Sam Howzit / Flickr

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $4,190 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $9,630 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $3,550 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,560 today.


ACME FISH / Flickr

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $4,870 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $9,500 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $3,380 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,520 today.


Everett Collection / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $6,210 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $7,660 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $3,250 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,480 today.


Sergey Goryachev / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $5,160 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,290 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $3,120 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,450 today.


Judd Irish Bradley / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $4,650 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $6,000 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,990 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,390 today.


1000 Words / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $4,420 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $5,120 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,870 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,280 today.


Breedfoto / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $3,940 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $4,130 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,740 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,170 today.


Nobuyuki Hayashi / Flickr

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $3,770 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $3,140 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,630 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,070 today.


Everett Collection / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $6,360 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $3,040 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,580 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,040 today.


s_bukley / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $5,030 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $2,380 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,480 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,030 today.


Neale Cousland / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $4,490 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $1,860 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,400 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,020 today.


Philip Lange / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $4,490 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $1,670 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,360 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,020 today.


Victor Maschek / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $3,920 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $1,580 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,320 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,020 today.


Stock image / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $3,090 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $2,190 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,250 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,010 today.



$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $2,720 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $2,190 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,200 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,010 today.


Joseph M. Arseneau / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $2,720 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $2,470 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,150 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,010 today.


amirraizat / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $2,480 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $2,270 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,100 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,010 today.


jctabb / Shutterstock

$2,000 invested in stocks would give you around $2,090 today.

$2,000 invested in gold would give you around $2,030 today.

$2,000 invested in bonds would give you around $2,050 today.

$2,000 put into savings would give you around $2,003 today.

More: Interested in investing? With Stash, anyone can start investing in just 2 minutes, with as little as $5 or as much as $2,000.

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  1. Beleggingsvaardigheden in aandelen
  3. Aandelenhandel
  5. beurs
  7. Beleggingsadvies
  9. Voorraadanalyse
  11. risicomanagement
  13. Voorraadbasis: