RoosterMoney zakgeld app review

RoosterMoney* is in 2016 gelanceerd met de missie om kinderen financieel te 'opvoeden, motiveren en empoweren'. RoosterMoney is een zakgeld-app waarmee zowel kinderen als ouders zakgeld kunnen beheren vanaf dezelfde rekening.

RoosterMoney heeft een verscheidenheid aan hulpmiddelen voor kinderen van alle leeftijden, variërend van 3 - 17 jaar oud, zodat kinderen al op jonge leeftijd over geld kunnen leren. Dit artikel bespreekt de zakgeld-app RoosterMoney en legt uit hoe het werkt, hoeveel het kost en hoe het zich verhoudt tot andere zakgeld-apps zoals GoHenry en Osper.

Belangrijkste kenmerken van RoosterMoney

  • Smartphone-app - Ouders en kinderen hebben vanaf een smartphone toegang tot de RoosterMoney-app om te allen tijde zakgeld bij te houden
  • Sterrenkaart - Beloon kinderen vanaf 3 jaar voor goed gedrag met de virtuele sterrenkaart
  • Doelen stellen - Stel doelen waar kinderen naartoe kunnen werken en houd hun prestaties bij
  • Virtuele geldtracker - Volg het geld en het bestedingspatroon van uw kind vrijwel zonder echt geld
  • Potten om geld te beheren - Kinderen kunnen geld opzij zetten met de potten 'Uitgeven', 'Save' en 'Geef'
  • Budgettools  - Kinderen kunnen geld beter begrijpen met de budgetterings- en spaartools
  • Klusjes instellen en beheren  - Stel klusjes in en beloon uw kinderen met een vergoeding of sterren voor het voltooien van taken (abonnement vereist)
  • Visa prepaid debetkaart - Met de Rooster Card, een contactloze prepaid visa-debetkaart, kan uw kind het bedrag online en in winkels uitgeven (abonnement vereist)
  • Meerdere ouders/voogden - Er kan meer dan één ouder/voogd aan de app worden toegevoegd (er is een limiet van 2 ouders voor het gratis account)
  • Recurrente betalingen instellen - Laat uw kind u regelmatig betalen - b.v. voor een tijdschriftabonnement - van hun toelage (abonnement vereist)

Hoe werkt RoosterMoney?

RoosterMoney* is een zakgeld-app waarmee je je kinderen over geld kunt leren en ze financiële onafhankelijkheid kunt geven terwijl je toch controle hebt over hun financiën.

Het opzetten van een account is eenvoudig, u hoeft alleen uw volledige naam en een e-mailadres op te geven en vervolgens een wachtwoord aan te maken. U wordt gevraagd hoe uw kinderen naar u verwijzen - b.v. mama of papa - en welk land en welke valuta je op de app wilt gebruiken. U wordt dan gevraagd in welk aspect van RoosterMoney u het meest geïnteresseerd bent - b.v. de Sterrenkaart of de Rooster Card - maar u hoeft deze niet te kiezen om u aan te melden.

Nadat je je hebt aangemeld, kun je in de app spelen om te zien welke functies je wel en niet leuk vindt, en vervolgens desgewenst op een later tijdstip upgraden naar een premium account.

Nadat u een account heeft aangemaakt, wordt u gevraagd om kinderen toe te voegen aan de app. U moet de naam, de geboortedatum en het geslacht van uw kind doorgeven. U heeft ook de mogelijkheid om het zakgeld van uw kind in te voeren en of het dit wekelijks, tweewekelijks of maandelijks ontvangt.

In eerste instantie worden alle kinderen die u aanmaakt automatisch ingesteld met een Virtual Money Tracker-account, de gratis versie van de RoosterMoney-app. U heeft de mogelijkheid om te upgraden naar de Rooster PLUS- of Rooster Card-accounts. Voor meer informatie over de verschillende accounts die beschikbaar zijn bij RoosterMoney, klik hier.


(klik om afbeeldingen te vergroten)


RoosterMoney heeft drie verschillende rekeningen waarmee u het geld van uw kind kunt volgen. We hebben ze samengevat in de onderstaande vergelijkingstabel.

Wat zijn de verschillende RoosterMoney-accounts?

Virtuele tracker Haan PLUS Haankaart
Leeftijdsbereik (jaren)  3+ 5+ 6-18
Jaarlijkse kosten Gratis € 14,99 (1 maand gratis) € 24,99 (1 maand gratis)
Geld virtueel bijhouden
Onbeperkte voogden
Stel regelmatige betalingen in
Real money deposits
Prepaid debit card
Flexible parental controls
Debit account details

*Currently only available in the UK

RoosterMoney Virtual Tracker

  • Free
  • Suitable for children aged 3 years and over
  • Virtual pocket money tracker
  • Reward chart
  • Spending and saving pots
  • Child login
  • 2 parent/guardian logins

The RoosterMoney Virtual Money Tracker account is the free version of the RoosterMoney app. It is suitable for children from 3 years old and allows you to virtually track your child's pocket money. This means that no physical money is loaded onto the app, but if you give your child a regular allowance, you can keep track of how much you give them within the app.

If the child spends, saves or gifts some of their allowance, this can also be updated in the app so both you and the child can track how much pocket money has been spent or saved. You also get access to a virtual reward chart, but to use this, you'll need to set the child's currency to stars. You can then set goals for your child to work towards and reward them in stars for good behaviour to help them to achieve their goal.

RoosterMoney Rooster PLUS

  • £1.99 per month or £14.99 per year (1 month free)
  • Suitable for children aged 5 years and above
  • Virtual pocket money tracker
  • Reward chart
  • Spending and saving pots
  • Child login
  • Unlimited parent/guardian logins
  • Chore tracker
  • Set an interest rate on your child's money
  • Recurring payments

The RoosterMoney PLUS account has all of the features of a RoosterMoney Virtual Money Tracker account, as well as the additional feature of a chore tracker. It is suitable for children from the age of 5 years old and allows you to set tasks for your child to complete.

As your child completes each task, they can get rewarded by earning their pocket money allowance. You can set two types of chores:allowance chores and extra earners. An allowance chore has to be completed for the child to receive their allowance, and an extra earner chore allows the child to earn additional pocket money on top of their allowance amount. To encourage saving habits, you can also set an interest rate within the app. This is a notional interest rate that is funded by the parent and can be selected within the app under the 'Save' pot settings.

Rooster Plus also allows you to set up a recurring payment within the app for things you would like your children to contribute to, such as pet food or maybe a TV and film subscription. The regular payment amount will be deducted from the child's pocket money allowance amount on the day you have chosen for the allowance to be delivered.

RoosterMoney Rooster Card

  • £24.99 per year (1 month free)
  • Suitable for children aged between 6 - 18 years old
  • Virtual pocket money tracker
  • Reward chart
  • Spending and saving pots
  • Child login
  • Unlimited parent/guardian logins
  • Chore tracker
  • Set an interest rate on your child's money
  • Recurring payments
  • Prepaid contactless Visa debit card
  • Spending limits
  • Instant notifications for both parent and child
  • Freeze/Unfreeze the card in-app
  • Secure online card details for one-time transactions

The RoosterMoney Rooster Card is a prepaid contactless Visa debit card that allows your child to spend and manage their own money whilst allowing you to oversee the account via the app. A Rooster Card allows parents to set daily, weekly, and monthly spending limits, as well as ATM and single transaction limits.

The debit card can also be used abroad for free, as long as transactions are kept below £50. Any transactions over the £50 limit will be charged a 3% fee. As well as getting a Rooster Card, you can also benefit from the same features included with the Rooster PLUS and the Virtual Money Tracker account.

How much does RoosterMoney cost?

You can choose between three RoosterMoney accounts - the free account or the two different subscription accounts. In the below table, we summarise the subscription fees and any fees associated with a RoosterCard. You can scroll down for further detail on the account limits.

Virtual Tracker FREE
Rooster Plus £1.99 per month/£14.99 per year (first month free)
Rooster Card £24.99 per year  (first month free)*
Spending online FREE (limits apply)
ATM fees FREE (limits apply)
Foreign transactions FREE (limits apply)
Debit card loads FREE (limits apply)
CHAPS transfer £10
Bank transfer OUT FREE (limits apply)
Rooster Card replacement fee £5 (1 free replacement per household)

*Additional cards cost £19.99 each year

What are the limits on RoosterMoney accounts?

Loading and transfer limits on a parent RoosterMoney account

  • Maximum free daily loads - 3
  • Maximum free monthly loads - 10
  • Minimum load amount - £2 (loads of less than £2 will be charged £0.50)
  • Loads over the free limits - £0.50 per load
  • CHAPS transfer loads - £10
  • Maximum parent account balance - £10,000
  • Maximum parent account load - £2,000
  • Maximum parent account load per day - £2,000
  • Monthly money transfer limit - 2 free money transfers a month (£0.50 transaction charge thereafter)

N.B. Rooster Cards can only be loaded by a personal account (business and Paypal accounts are not accepted).

Spending limits on a Rooster Card

  • Maximum daily spend transactions - 15 (any additional transactions will be charged at £0.50 per transaction)
  • Maximum weekly spend transactions - 25 (additional transactions will be charged £0.50 per transaction)
  • Maximum daily spend - £1,000
  • Contactless spending limit - £45

Spending abroad with a Rooster Card

  • Free ATM withdrawals up to £50 per calendar month (any additional spending is charged at 3% of the transaction amount)
  • Free spending abroad up to £50 per calendar month (additional spending will be charged at 3% of the transaction amount)

Rooster Card ATM withdrawal limits

  • Daily withdrawal limit - £500
  • Maximum daily withdrawals - 4
  • Maximum weekly withdrawals - 10

Is RoosterMoney safe?

RoosterMoney is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The money held in a RoosterMoney account with a Rooster Card is ring-fenced in an account with the high street bank NatWest. The money you deposit, however, is not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme FSCS should RoosterMoney go bust. However, according to its website, RoosterMoney says 'If RoosterMoney went bust, our creditors would not be able to access any of your money due to it being safeguarded. The Financial Conduct Authority would simply distribute all of the funds back to our users.'

Can RoosterMoney be used abroad?

Ja. Rooster Cards can be used abroad for chip and pin and contactless transactions. You can spend a maximum of £50 abroad for free and after this, there is a 3% charge. It is also worth considering that some foreign ATMs will charge foreign transaction fees in addition to a fee for using the ATM itself.

RoosterMoney customer reviews

RoosterMoney is rated as 'Excellent' on review site Trustpilot with a score of 4.8 out of 5 stars from over 700 reviews. 88% of customers rate the app as 'Excellent', citing the app as easy to set up and navigate. Parents also comment that the app provides great motivation for their children to complete chores and better understand money. Only 2% of customers rate the app as 'Bad', citing problems with accessing the money debited on the account and technical problems with some transactions.

RoosterMoney pros and cons

Pros Cons
  • Teaches children about money from a young age
  • Quite expensive if your child earns minimal pocket money
  • Can set and track customised chores
  • Have to have a paid-for version to access the chore tracker
  • Children can access the app on their own smart devices
  • Money is not FSCS protected
  • Can have multiple parents/guardians (limited to two on a free plan)
  • Virtual Money Tracker has to be manually updated so easy to lose track
  • Parental controls within the app on transactions
  • Star Chart can be easily replicated at home without signing up

Alternatives to RoosterMoney

RoosterMoney is just one of a range of pocket money apps available. In the below comparison table, we compare RoosterMoney to other pocket money apps from the likes of GoHenry and Osper, as well as junior bank accounts from Starling and Revolut. For more information on the pocket money apps and some of the free alternatives, read our article "The best pocket money apps".

The best pocket money app comparison table

RoosterMoney* Nimbl Osper GoHenry* Starling Kite Revolut Junior
Eligibility (years)  6-18 6-18 8-18 6-18 6-16 7-17
Cost £24.99/year (1 month free) £28.00/year (1 month free) £2.50/month (first 30 days free) £2.99/month (30-day free trial) £2/month Free (limits apply to a free account)
Loading fee Free (limit applies) Gratis 50p instant loads or free by debit card One free load each month and 50p thereafter Free Free
ATM fees* Gratis Gratis Gratis Gratis Free Free
Fees abroad 3% transaction fee over £50 per month £1.50 cash withdrawals, 2.95% transaction fee £2 cash withdrawal, 3% fee Up to £50 per month then 3% fee Free Up to £250 per month
Instant notifications
Set spending limits
Chore tracker
Child app
FSCS protection

*Limits apply


Overall, RoosterMoney* is a great app if you are looking to teach your children about money. The free version of the account allows access to the Star Chart and Virtual Money Tracker, but the chart can easily be replicated by a simple handmade rewards chart on the fridge at home.

In addition, it may be easy to forget to update the Rooster Money Virtual Tracker allowances manually when your child spends their pocket money. Accessing the chore tracker, however, is a great way to incentivise your child to earn their pocket money and having separate logins for children allows them to track their progress on their own smart devices, further encouraging independence - though it does come at an additional cost.

The Rooster Card account offers the most benefits for a child to manage their pocket money and is a great way to allow your child to have financial independence whilst still having access to their money and control over their spending habits.

RoosterMoney is marginally cheaper than other similar pocket money accounts, but there are restrictions on how much you can spend. To find out more about the different options available for your child and their pocket money, read our articles:

  • The best pocket money apps in the UK 
  • The best children's bank accounts

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