U bent er dus vrij zeker van dat u in de VS met pensioen wilt gaan, maar waar binnen de 50 staten gaat u zich precies vestigen na uw werkjaren?
Elk jaar beweren meerdere onderzoeken dat ze u kunnen laten zien welke staten het beste of slechtste zijn voor pensionering. Maar ze zijn het bijna nooit eens, dus u moet hun aanbevelingen vergelijken en uw eigen conclusies trekken. En wie heeft daar tijd voor, terwijl u probeert uw pensioensparen op orde te krijgen?
Nou, we staan achter je. Om de rommel van pensioenonderzoeken te doorbreken, hebben we drie van die jaarlijkse staatsranglijsten genomen en deze in wezen in één hoofdlijst samengevat. Je zou deze kunnen beschouwen als de het ergste van het ergste staten voor pensionering — aftellen tot de staat helemaal onderaan.
ONZE METHODOLOGIE:we hebben de pensioenranglijsten van elke staat van Bankrate, WalletHub en MoneyRates toegevoegd om scores te creëren van een mogelijke 150 . Hoe hoger de score, hoe lager de staat scoort als pensioenbestemming.
Colorado biedt een spectaculair landschap, frisse berglucht, brouwerijen, skiën, voorzieningen in de grote steden en de charme van een kleine stad.
De kwaliteit van de gezondheidszorg is hoog, en dat geldt ook voor de algehele kwaliteit van leven. Dus wat is er niet dol op de Centennial State? (Die de staat bereikte in 1876, toen de natie 100 jaar oud was - vandaar de bijnaam.)
Bankrate zegt dat de kosten van levensonderhoud in Colorado aan de hoge kant zijn. De mediane huizenprijs in Denver aan het einde van 2019 was een relatief steile $ 458.000, volgens de National Association of Realtors. Bovendien zegt AARP dat de staat een van de 13 is die mogelijk belast uw socialezekerheidsuitkeringen.
Colorado behoort ook tot de slechtste staten vanwege het vaak meedogenloze weer. "Het is niet ongewoon om wind van 70 mph te hebben bij een storm", schrijft de inwoner van Colorado, John Jamieson, op Quora.
Pennsylvania heeft een leefbaar klimaat met vier seizoenen met bloeiende lentes, hete en vochtige zomers, aangename en kleurrijke herfsten en eerlijke winters.
De Keystone State heeft aan weerszijden een Major League-stad en veel mooi land daartussenin. Pittsburgh heeft heuvels in San Francisco-stijl, veel geschiedenis en goede uitgaansgelegenheden. Philadelphia biedt ook veel geschiedenis, plus eersteklas gezondheidszorg, goed openbaar vervoer, een grote internationale luchthaven en beloopbare buurten.
Maar Pennsylvania is niet zo betaalbaar als veel andere staten, volgens zowel Bankrate als WalletHub. U zult willen werken met een financiële planner om u te helpen uw pensioengeld hier op te rekken.
"Pittsburgh-belastingen zijn duur, schrijft een Reddit-gebruiker. "En belastingen in Pennsylvania als geheel zijn behoorlijk waardeloos. Het lijkt alsof hoe verder je uit de stad komt, de belastingen dalen, maar de kosten van onroerend goed stijgen."
De charmante gemeenschappen en het prachtige landschap van Maine maken het misschien tot een ideale bestemming voor pensionering. De Pine Tree State biedt rustige weiden, weelderige bossen, een prachtige kustlijn en enkele van de veiligste steden en dorpen van het land.
Maar stijgende prijzen zetten de bankrekeningen van gepensioneerden onder druk en je moet bereid zijn het vaak barre klimaat te verdragen.
Bankrate rangschikt Maine 48e van de 50 vanwege het weer, waaronder vochtige zomers die meer dan 40 soorten muggen naar buiten brengen, en lange, koude, sneeuwwinters.
"Ik zou aanraden om hulp te zoeken bij het sneeuwruimen, en van plan te zijn winterbanden te kopen, van plan te zijn je huis te laten beoordelen op ons weer, van plan te zijn meer te betalen dan je hebt voor je verwarmingsrekening", schrijft Mainer Crystal Laplante op Quora.
South Carolina heeft prachtige stranden, goede golfmogelijkheden, mooie ritjes op het platteland en veel zuidelijke geschiedenis.
Maar de staat Palmetto heeft een paar nadelen voor gepensioneerden, namelijk op het gebied van gezondheidszorg en levensstandaard.
Bankrate zegt dat South Carolina op de laatste plaats komt voor het welzijn van zijn senioren, en WalletHub scoort het laag voor kwaliteit van leven.
De staat krijgt een goed cijfer voor het weer, al is dat niet ieders kopje zoete thee. "De hitte is absoluut monsterlijk in de zomer", schrijft Reddit-gebruiker superflippy. "Zorg er gewoon voor dat waar je ook woont goede airconditioning is."
Kentucky is de thuisbasis van vrij stromende bourbon en de spectaculaire Red River Gorge, en de staat trekt elk jaar internationale aandacht voor de pracht en praal en de hartslagverhogende opwinding van de Kentucky Derby.
De kosten en misdaadcijfers zijn laag, maar WalletHub rangschikt Kentucky op nr. 50, de allerslechtste staat voor pensionering, omdat het zegt dat de gezondheidszorg en de algehele kwaliteit van leven in de staat Bluegrass slecht zijn.
En al dat mooie gras geeft zoveel stuifmeel af dat Kentucky bekend staat als de allergiehoofdstad van de VS. Het is ook tweede voor de eerste prijs in de categorie 'verpletterende vochtigheid'.
Het levenstempo hier kan traag zijn - te traag voor Kentuckian Tiffany Bridgeman, op Quora:"Als ik wil dat iemand naar buiten komt om bijvoorbeeld wat aan sanitair te doen, moet ik op een maandag bellen om misschien iemand te laten komen uit op vrijdag of volgende dinsdag. Het duurt een maand om een doktersafspraak te krijgen en een week om een nieuwe vulling te vragen."
Zoals iedereen die de film of tv-serie Fargo heeft gezien weet dat de winters in North Dakota wreed kunnen zijn. Wil je een groot deel van je pensioenjaren begraven onder truien en dekens doorbrengen?
Volgens Bankrate is het weer hier het slechtste voor gepensioneerden, na Alaska.
"Mijn grootvader grapte altijd dat North Dakota twee seizoenen had, dit winter en laatste winter", zegt Quora-commentator Raymond M. Baesler, die zegt dat hij vijf jaar in Minot, North Dakota heeft gewoond.
Als je tegen de kou kunt, heeft North Dakota enkele voordelen voor senioren. Hoewel de staat in sommige gevallen socialezekerheidsuitkeringen belast, zijn de kosten van levensonderhoud hier laag en scoort het gezondheidszorgsysteem in de staat hoog.
Bergachtig West Virginia biedt volop buitenactiviteiten, natuurlijke minerale bronnen en spa's - en enkele van de laagste kosten van levensonderhoud in de VS. In de hoofdstad Charleston is de gemiddelde verkoopprijs voor een huis slechts $ 133.200, volgens de National Association of Realtors.
U zult waarschijnlijk veel vrienden maken als u besluit hier met pensioen te gaan, omdat de staat volgens MoneyRates een van de hoogste percentages inwoners van 65 jaar of ouder heeft, na alleen Florida en Maine.
En hier is nog een pluspunt voor senioren in West Virginia:de staat is begonnen met een driejarige afschaffing van de belasting op socialezekerheidsuitkeringen.
Maar hoewel gezondheidszorg hier betaalbaar is, heeft West Virginia enkele van de slechtste resultaten voor patiënten op nationaal niveau. WalletHub staat op de laatste plaats van de staten voor kwaliteit van de gezondheidszorg, en Bankrate staat op de 39e plaats van de 50 staten voor welzijn van senioren.
If you’re willing to cheer for Boston no matter the sport, and if you're seriously into American history, Massachusetts could be a perfect retirement location.
The state is well known for its excellent health care, but costs can be high and winters can be rough. Homes in metro Boston are selling for a median $482,800, and winter snowfall totals across Massachusetts typically hit 100 inches.
"As you get older, you will have to figure out how somebody besides you is going to shovel you out of your house in the winter so you don’t risk a heart attack doing it," writes former Massachusetts resident Anne Agard, on Quora.
But when temperatures drop below freezing, you can always warm up by having a bowl of Boston clam chowder, a local delicacy.
Tennessee might the ideal spot for music fans to settle down. But the Volunteer State also hits a few sour notes as a potential retirement destination.
It boasts two cities that helped define the music industry:Nashville is the center of the universe for country music, and Memphis is home not only to bluesy Beale Street but also to Graceland, Elvis Presley’s iconic estate.
Additionally, the state gives us Tennessee barbecue, a dry-rub style that will tickle any foodie’s taste buds. Plus, it scores well for affordability. In Knoxville, the median selling price for a home is just $209,400.
But WalletHub ranks the state 48th for quality of life, and FBI data shows Tennessee is among the worst states for violent crime.
Though Georgia covers over 59,000 square miles, most of its population is concentrated in the northern part of the state, around Atlanta.
Residents in that densely populated and often congested area have city living, major league sports, a major international airport, sedate rural areas and the ocean all within reach.
But it can be harder to find things to do across much of the rest of Georgia. Bankrate ranks the Peach State all the way down at No. 45 when it comes to culture.
The state's weather extremes can be a challenge, too. "Our weather in North Georgia is just about freezing or below at times and at 98 or above at times," writes Georgian Ellen Lawson, on Quora. Blizzards, tornadoes and hurricanes are all common in the Peach State.
If you retire to Mississippi, you'll be greeted by generally warm, pleasant weather, delicious Southern cooking, the lovely flowering trees that give the Magnolia State its name, and a very low cost of living.
But while you won't have to spend much here, Mississippians don't earn much either. It's a poor state with the lowest median household income, according to recent census data:$42,781.
The retirement research studies rank Mississippi near the bottom for both quality of life and health care, and the state doesn't score well for cultural amenities either.
"It's extremely slow and feels like it's behind the times," says former resident Marla Jackson, on Quora. "There isn't a lot to do (at least where I lived in Southwest Mississipi)."
Those who retire to Minnesota can expect to find excellent medical care (the Mayo Clinic is based here) fun festivals and fairs throughout the year — and chilly winters that seem to last forever.
"Minnesota does have long winters," writes Minnesotan Alicia Bayer, on Quora. They are brutally cold (far below zero many days of the year) but they also stretch on. The first snow often hits in October and it's not unheard of to have the last snow in May. It gets old."
While Minnesota gets low marks for its punishing weather, WalletHub names it the No. 1 state for both quality of life and health care.
But the cost of living is relatively high here, and Minnesota collects taxes on retirement income. Social Security is taxed for some beneficiaries, but the state legislature is considering whether to end that practice.
Chicago is Illinois’ cultural hotspot, but the state also features peaceful suburbs, a wine trail, and beautiful lakes and cottages just right for retirees seeking to unwind.
So why is the Prairie State among the worst for retirees? The state is not considered very affordable. Illinois property taxes are notoriously high, and state and local sales taxes add as much as 11% to the cost of a purchase.
Plus, it's not the most healthy state:Bankrate says Illinois ranks 49th for wellness. (Maybe that has something to do with the popularity of deep-dish pizza here?)
And we haven't even mentioned the weather. Summers bring high temperatures and humidity, and the winters are known for their bone-chilling cold and biting snowstorms. "The best place to be in Illinois is leaving," says former resident Mark Madison, on Quora.
Connecticut is known for its small-town New England charm and its spectacular shows of color during the season for autumn leaves.
Retirees will appreciate the Nutmeg State's high-quality health care, which is reflected in the high level of wellness among Connecticut seniors.
But prices and taxes can be stiff here, so to get by in Connecticut you'll need the help of a financial planner. Those services are more affordable than you might think and are even available online now.
Connecticut resident David Dill writes, on Quora, "Taxes are very high. Between car taxes, gas taxes, income taxes, property taxes, estate taxes, corporate taxes it just never ends." Older residents are getting some relief, as the state is phasing out its tax on Social Security and other retirement income.
Nature lovers are drawn to Oregon for its snowcapped mountains, misty forests, crystal-clear lakes, alluring Pacific coastline and magnificent rivers and waterfalls. Other attractions include the state's hundreds of wineries and breweries — and the famously weird hipster culture in Portland.
But Oregon's popularity is helping to drive up costs, making the Beaver State an expensive retirement destination. The three retirement research studies we looked at give Oregon low marks for affordability.
The median selling price for a house in the Portland metro area is a not-cheap $410,900. Think you'd rather rent? A report from the National Low Income Housing Coalition found renters earning an average full-time wage can’t afford a one-bedroom apartment in Oregon.
"If you want to retire in Portland, I hope you are making good money in your retirement," says former longtime Portland resident Geoff Arnold, writing on Quora. "No, seriously, if you aren’t clearing around 4–5 grand a month — forget it."
In Louisiana, the people are lovely, the food scene is fantastic, the music is amazing, and the natural surroundings are awe-inspiring. Sounds like a fabulous place to retire, right? You may want to think twice.
Sales taxes can be as high as 11.45%, the state's murder rate is the highest in the nation, and Louisiana scores poorly for health care quality.
"I've lived here all my life and i HATE IT," says Quora user Delani Lass. "It is horribly hot in the summer. (100 degrees with 100% humidity) Summer lasts from April until September/October. It gets cold once a week for two whole days, then it warms back up."
And don't forget about the hurricanes.
California offers retirees beaches, mountains, wine areas, and bustling cities bursting with cultural amenties. And all of those things come with high price tags.
Bankrate says it's the one of the least affordable states, and the astronomical housing prices are a major reason. The California Association of Realtors says the median selling price for a single-family home statewide is close to $600,000.
California doesn't tax Social Security, but all other types of retirement income are fair game. Depending on where you're shopping, the sales tax can be as high as 10.25%.
More than half (53%) of Californians think about fleeing the state to get away from the high costs, a 2019 survey by Edelman found.
New Mexico is known for its colorful Southwestern culture, its zany local festivals and its amazing Mexican-inspired food. The state's rugged beauty will beg you to stay and settle down — but it might be better to just visit.
Social Security, retirement account distributions and pension payouts are all taxed here, and WalletHub says the state nicknamed the Land of Enchantment gives retirees a substandard quality of life.
"New Mexico is a relatively poor state so prices for land and houses are low, as is the general cost of living, but this also means a relative paucity of amenities," says Quora commenter William Hembree. "Albuquerque is the only really large city if you’re looking for a more urban lifestyle."
And maybe the producers were right to choose New Mexico as the setting for Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul , because Bankrate says the state is one of the worst for all types of crime.
The relatively tiny Ocean State offers more than 100 public beaches, delicious seafood and loads of history to keep you engaged in your retirement. Rhode Island also scores high for safety and culture.
But the state is no bargain. A one-bedroom apartment in downtown Providence rents for more than $1,500 a month, according to the cost-of-living website Numbeo, and a three-bedroom goes for more than $1,900, on average.
Health care is so-so, and the medical costs can be downright painful. So can a drive on one of Rhode Island's major roads, because 79% are in poor or mediocre condition, according to the transportation research group known as Trip.
Quora user Cole Rinne says the weather isn't great either:"Like most of New England, Rhode Island has some gnarly weather. It is cold in the winter and gets very humid in the summer. Being such a small state it is impossible to get very far from the coast and flooding and hurricanes/noreasters is a problem."
New Jersey might sound like a place with everything you’d want for your retirement:beaches; greenery (it is the Garden State, after all); great shopping and restaurants; casinos and golf courses; and your pick of small towns, suburbs or cities to settle in.
The main problem for retirees is that New Jersey is so expensive; both Bankrate and WalletHub put it near the bottom for living costs. In the Newark metro area, the median selling price for a home is close to $400,000.
"Property taxes in New Jersey are particularly high, as is the cost of real estate. There’s a reason why many New Jersey residents move to other states after they retire," writes former New Jerseyan Tom Coughlin, on Quora.
When you live in Jersey, you also have to contend with terrible traffic, serious urban crowding, and winters that can be unbearably cold, especially in the northern reaches of the state.
The Evergreen State truly lives up to its name, with parks, mountain ranges and hiking trails throughout. Oh, and did we mention it has one of the best coffee scenes in the world? Maybe it's no wonder Washington scores high for quality of life.
Washington’s fantastic lifestyle comes at a cost, however:It's one of the most expensive states to live in. In metro Seattle, homes are selling for a median price of $528,800.
Though Washington is one of nine states with no income tax of their own, people who live here say the trade-off is you can expect to pay stiff sales and property taxes.
Rainy, overcast weather is another common source of complaints. "From November to February the sun actually never comes up. Not literally, but sunrise is around 8 a.m. and sunset is before 5 p.m., and it's constantly cloudy, so it just feels like perpetual night for three or four months," writes Quora's Dyonysos Larson.
Roll the dice on a retirement in Nevada if you love gambling and nightlife. Las Vegas and Reno are known for their casinos offering slots, table games, buffets that go on for miles, and world-class shows. If all of that appeals to you, you won't be bored living here.
The Silver State also offers a warm climate and gorgeous natural attractions, including the breathtaking Valley of Fire. Nevada is considered tax-friendly for retirees, particularly since it's another of the states without a state income tax.
But it rates low for health care, the wellness of its seniors, and their overall quality of life.
"Don’t go TOO far from the population centers if you need complex medical treatments," warns Nevadan Burt Andrews, on Quora. "Most small towns here have basic medical services, but the complex stuff is concentrated in the two population centers [Las Vegas and Reno]."
Not only does Alaska not have a state income tax, but there's not sales tax either. And, in fact, they pay you to live here. Every resident receives some money annually from Alaska's oil wealth fund, which paid out $1,606 to each adult and child in Alaska in 2019.
With its mountains, fjords and beautiful glacier views, Alaska packs plenty of retirement appeal — but the long, dark winter days and ravenous summer mosquitoes will take some getting used to.
Bankrate ranks Alaska in last place for weather, and second from the bottom for crime. The most recent data from the Alaska Department of Public Safety shows the state's violent crime rate in 2018 was the worst in five years.
Also, you'll pay more for most items in Alaska, because merchandise must be transported up north. If you move here, you'll need long johns — and a lot of retirement money in the bank.
Maryland was our very worst state for retirement in 2019, and the governor didn't disagree when he was asked about our last-place ranking.
This time out, the state is only a notch better, despite the many amenities that Maryland has to offer:history and culture; great golfing, mountains and beaches; a major population center within the state (Baltimore) and another one close by (Washington, D.C.).
The high cost of living here and high taxes are what make this state a less-than-ideal retirement destination. While it doesn't tax Social Security, Maryland does tax IRA distributions and some income from 401(k) plans and pensions.
"Unless you spent your life living somewhere with an equal or higher cost of living, you might not have the retirement funds to support living here," warns Quora user Casian Holly. "Even if you do, you're much less likely to recover from a financial crisis here than somewhere with a lower cost of living."
In retirement, if you can make it here — well, you'll deserve a huge congratulations, because it's not easy.
The Empire State is the worst state for retirement, according to our composite scores based on the rankings from Bankrate, WalletHub and MoneyRates.
The big issue is that it's so expensive to live in New York, which the studies identify as America's least affordable state. In glitzy New York City, one-bedroom apartments rent for an average of about $3,300 a month . You'll need a lot of savings and a financial planner you can turn to.
New York state residents pay the highest state and local taxes, the Tax Foundation says. Though up to $20,000 in retirement income can be excluded from the state's income tax, the tax breaks for retirees probably aren't enough to lighten the financial burden of living here.
Here's how our analysis ranks all 50 states as retirement destinations, going in order from the best to the worst. In several cases, states tied for spots in our ranking because they had the same average rank in the three studies we looked at:
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